Web Platform List Examples
The below list contains examples of popular multi-publisher web platforms or self-publishing services. This is only for referencing and is not a complete list of what platforms are or are not allowed.
If one of the below accepted links exist, please add them to the External Links. Additionally, Toko Mavo, Pixiv, and Twitter links can still be used for eligible doujinshi.
As always, works still have to satisfy the Japanese, Chinese, Korean, or Taiwanese ‘Country Of Origin’ type.
If the work originally published on ‘Not Accepted‘ websites is later picked up by a professional publisher of the same language, that later publication would be what can be added to the database.
Japanese https://comic-walker.com https://comic.pixiv.net http://seiga.nicovideo.jp https://www.comico.jp (Official works only, not Challenge) https://sai-zen-sen.jp https://piccoma.com https://xoy.webtoons.com/ja (Official words only, not League)
Chinese http://ac.qq.com http://www.kuaikanmanhua.com https://www.manmanapp.com http://manhua.weibo.com https://read.douban.com https://www.dajiaochongmanhua.com
Korean https://comic.naver.com (Featured works only, not Challenge) http://webtoon.daum.net (Official works only, not League) https://www.lezhin.com https://page.kakao.com https://www.justoon.co.kr http://toomics.com http://bomtoon.com
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